Super-Yummy Chard

Have you tried chard? I hadn't until the Organic Gardening Gods moved in next door. The stuff grows like crazy in their garden, and every now and then Keith shows up with a huge bunch. He did last night, and here's what I did with it:

First I put my big cast iron skillet over low heat, and snipped a slice of bacon into it using my kitchen shears. (It was Fiedler Farms dry cured bacon, the absolutely best bacon I've ever, ever had.) While my bacon bits were cooking, I laid the bunch of chard on my cutting board, and cut across the leaves at about 1/2" intervals. I also chopped a couple of tablespoons of onion.

When the bacon bits were crisp, I scooped them out of the pan and set 'em aside. I threw in the chard and the onion, and sauteed them together -- I put a lid on the pan, and every few minutes stirred the whole thing up. When the chard was limp, I stirred the bacon back in, along with maybe a tablespoon of chopped, toasted pecans I had leftover from another meal, about a tablespoon of currants (like teeny raisins) and a splash of balsamic vinegar -- probably a tablespoon or two.

This was incredibly tasty; we ate it with some simple roasted pork.

Estimating I started with about 2 quarts of chopped chard -- it cooks down a lot -- each serving of this had about 59 calories, 7 grams of carb, and 2 grams of fiber, for a usable carb count of 5 grams. Chard is a member of the cabbage family, and quite nutritious. Try it!

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