Kosher for Passover Sweeteners

Here, from my friend Rabbi Hirsch Meisels, of Friends With Diabetes , is a list of low carb sweeteners that are kosher for Passover:

Sugar Substitutes - Kosher for Pesach

Pure Aspartame (not Equal)

Gefen, Kojel Kosher L'Pesach Sweet'N Good with Aspartame (powder)

Kosher L'Pesach Sweet'N Low (powder) with the O.U.-P

Pillsbury sweet-10 (liquid)

Sweetie with Badatz supervision from Eretz Yisroel

American Liquid Sweet'N Low (Liquid)

Kojel kosher L'Pesach Liquid Sweetener (Liquid)

Zees from Ungar's Food.

Equal, Splenda and Nutrasweet spoonful are NOT kosher for Pesach, and may not be used by Ashkenaizim and not by Sefardim.

The Kosher L'Pesach powder Sweet'N Low is now being produced in the U.S. and it must have an O.U.-P (the regular powder contains kitniyos.) The liquid Sweet'N Low may also be used on Pesach, even if it has only the O.U.

Stevia is kosher and kosher for Passover. (I have no word regarding the stevia blends now becoming popular.)

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