The Recent Study Saying Red Meat Is Bad

Ah, yes, once again the media has seized on a study that claims to show a small increase in cancer rates among those who eat the most red meat, and trumpet it as conclusive proof of what they already "know" -- that red meat is baaaaaad. That the study covered not only red meat but processed meats, loaded with chemicals, and that the folks who did the study admitted that those who ate less red meat were also likely to eat more fruits and vegetables, were more educated -- which means likely more wealthy -- and less likely to smoke didn't keep them from blaring the headlines everywhere that red meat is a killer. Ho-hum.

I may write more about this, but at the moment I refer you to the always brilliant Dr. Michael Eades.

For the moment, suffice it to say that I have a huge rack of beef ribs in the oven as I write this. I remain utterly unconvinced that meat is dangerous.

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