Golden Flake Pork Cracklin' Strips

When I got back from Jimmy Moore's Low Carb Cruise, I wrote about discovering new low carb snacks down south. In particular, I discovered that I much prefer "pork cracklin' strips" to the standard pork rinds.

I also wrote that I tried two brands of these while I was down south. Having finished all the pork cracklin' strips I brought home, I have decided that I prefer the Golden Flake pork cracklin' strips to the Tom's brand. Indeed, I am officially addicted to these things. I looked them up online, trying to find them locally, and even drove 20 minutes across town to check the snack aisle at the local WalMart, to no avail.

So I finally called the nice folks at Golden Flake, and told them I absolutely had to have their pork cracklin's. They told me they don't distribute in Southern Indiana. I was sad. But they do sell by mail, so I'm going to have to order a whole case -- 42 bags!

Guess I'd better make room in my freezer. I need them!

If you haven't tried them, pork cracklin' strips are very different than the standard pork rinds, which are sort of fluffy and airy. The pork cracklin's are very dense, hard, super-crunchy. Not for folks with weak teeth. I find the texture extremely satisfying, and you may too. If you (understandably) don't want to order a full case of them to find out, perhaps a friend down in Dixie could send you a bag or two to try?

Just a thought.

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