My Seriously NOT Special K Breakfast

Ads for diet foods, especially Special K, forward the notion that a good "diet" breakfast should be 250 calories or less. I couldn't disagree more; breakfast is quite genuinely the most important meal of the day. Why shouldn't it supply a third of your daily fuel, or even more?

I have found that a big breakfast, high in protein and, yes, fat, results in my eating far less during the course of the day than a light breakfast would. Accordingly, it's a rare day I have less than three fried eggs or a two-egg omelet with some sort of yummy filling.

Today being the weekend and all, I had sausage and eggs. Yep, three pork sausage patties and three fried eggs. That's somewhere in the neighborhood of 750 calories, 32 grams of protein, 66 grams of fat, and just 3 grams of carb.

Unsurprisingly, four hours later I'm not hungry yet.

Oh, and for the folks out there who might think that my breakfast was insufficiently nutritious in other ways, I'd like to point out that it also gave me: 52% of my riboflavin, 45% of my thiamin, 42% of my B12, 34% of my vitamin A, 23% of my B6 and my zinc, 17% of my iron, 16% of my niacin, 14% of my folacin, 12% of my potassium, and even a surprising 4% of my vitamin C. Oh, and 51 IUs of vitamin D, hard to get from food. And a hefty whack of the antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin. And about 50 mcgs of cancer-fighting selenium. What was that about needing lots of whole grains to get my vitamins and minerals?

Just call me Breakfast Girl.

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