Day Brightener

I love getting email from y'all Here's one I got recently that really made my day:

A couple of years ago I purchased a couple of your books - How I Gave Up My Low Fat Diet and Lost 40 Pounds ...and the 15 Minute Low-Carb Recipes.... Like all diet books I purchased I brought them home and put them on the shelf.

Fast a few weeks ago! I was feeling very ill, tired and hungry. I'd been on Jenny Craig and lost 50 lbs and was in the process of putting them back on. I liked the plan - but didn't like the manager of my center, so I HATED going to get the food and stopped the plan. When I stopped I had NO idea what to eat to keep that weight off. I decided I needed to do SOMETHING and I knew that since I have PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) that the logical answer was a low-carb. I stayed late at work and did a number of online searches and decided that instead of buying a new book, I would look at the ones I already had at home.

I pulled out your books and started reading - and for some reason (desperation?) it clicked. The next morning, I ate the Chinese food in the fridge for breakfast and then cleaned out my shelves of all the carb filled food - picked out a couple of the recipes in the cookbook and started a NEW page in my life. That was July 19th and almost immediately my energy returned.

I am not much of a cook, but with the 15 minute recipes I feel like a chef - they are easy, I can make them and they taste good. They also make the perfect amount so I can have a variety for the week. My skinny, no-weight-issues mom came to visit last weekend and everything I made was from the cookbook - she was surprised at how good everything was and that I could make it. NOTE - she did insist on some crackers with the Tuna "Rice".

I've made a choice not to weigh myself - but to focus on how I FEEL and make this a real lifestyle change - not a diet.

My clothes are not so tight and my attitude is soaring. Thanks for providing this information to regular folks like me - I don't think there are words to say what this means to me. I was depressed and thinking I would NEVER win my battle with food. You have saved me and I am quite thankful!

This is the sort of story that makes me grin all day long. Thank you for brightening my day. And for buying my books, of course! I'm so glad you find them helpful.

And congratulations on focusing on health, not weight. It's the dramatic improvement in my health and energy level that kept me going over the rough patches.

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