Can I have a break now?

It's not bad enough that my loved ones keep getting sick and dying. Now I've been diagnosed with Lyme disease. Pleh.

Fortunately, I was diagnosed within a week of contracting it. I was one of the lucky ones who actually knew she'd been bitten by a tick, so when I found swollen glands in my neck and developed a sore throat and low fever, I had an idea what was going on. Headed to the local walk-in clinic (my regular doc had gone home for the day,) where the nice doctor looked under my hair, where I'd found the tick, and sure enough, there was the characteristic rash.

So I'm on lots of antibiotics, drinking pau d'arco (an herb tea renowned for its anti-microbial, anti-fungal, anti-viral properties), gulping garlic tablets, and seeing the local Chinese doctor to get pins stuck in me a couple of times a week. My attitude is that this bacteria picked the wrong girl, and I will stomp it flat.

Still, I don't feel as perky as I might. Which is supposed to be good; this sort of bacteria makes you feel worse as it dies off, because it releases toxins in its death throes. Encouraging when I'm having a sort of blecchy day.

Anyway, I can still sit at a computer and keyboard. But once again, I beg your patience if I'm dilatory.

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