You Have To Watch This!

I was reading Dr. Michael Eades' blog today, as I do regularly (and so should you -- see "Protein Power" on the blogroll.) Found a link to this great little film clip about Ancel Keys, the father of the lipid/heart hypothesis -- the idea that eating fat and cholesterol causes heart disease. This is a clip from a longer documentary called Fat Head that will, with luck, soon be released. You can also view the trailer Here's a link to an article about Tom Naughton, the fellow who's made the film: Ordering Up Some Food For Thought.

In the same Eades article that included the Ancel Keys clip, Dr. Eades includes a great quote from a guy who participated in a study of the effects of a high carb semi-starvation diet of 1600 calories per day. (Did you know that 1600 calories per day is medically considered a semi-starvation diet? It is.) The fellow discussed being ravenous, feeling weak, and most particularly, completely losing his sex drive. How many women in this country have lost their sex drives? Think their could be a link here, hmmm?

It put me in mind of the famous quacks John Harvey Kellogg and Sylvester Graham, both of whom advocated a vegetarian diet based on whole grains, at least in part because, they said, it would reduce sex drive. Looks like they may have been right. Not that I find that enticing, thanks.

By the way, if you've never read T. Coraghessen Boyle's The Road To Wellville , a novel about Kellogg, his famous sanitarium, his utterly crazy "medical" treatments, and the advent of the cold cereal biz, it's a hoot. (The movie, however, sucked. This, despite Matthew Broderick, Bridget Fonda, Anthony Hopkins, and Dana Carvey. Don't bother.)

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