One Form of Bacon to Avoid at All Costs

Bacon is much beloved, and an iconic low carb food. We're all for the Bacon of the Month Club, bacon band aids, bacon watches, even cuddly, plushy stuffed bacon. We draw the line, however, at Bacon Flavored Jelly Beans.

Yeah, didn't sound good to us, either. And apparently they are not good, not even to people willing to eat sugar; they get a big 2 stars at Amazon. The first review sums it up nicely:

Never in my life have I eaten a food and then marked it off as a food I would never, ever, ever eat again. Until now. Not only do these jelly beans give bacon a bad name, they give jelly beans a bad name, and quite possibly all other foods even remotely related to jelly beans and/or bacon. These are the outcast 4th cousin of an incestuous relationship between bacon and jellybeans. Imagine eating a jelly bean, then imagine smelling a campfire. Then, imagine smelling a 4 month old dead opossum that was thrown on the campfire. Now, imagine pouring wolf urine on the opossum and then eating it. That almost describes these jelly beans. After eating just one, the smell and taste lingered in my mouth, throat, sinuses, and a haze above my head for far longer than anything should linger.

On the plus side, they do come in a nice tin, which I'm fairly certain is less toxic to eat than the jelly beans themselves.

The same company also makes, I am sad to say, Bacon Gumballs. Their ratings are no better than the Bacon Jelly Beans.

Stick to bacon made of meat. Or plush and stuffing.

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