My Egg Fast

Those of you who hang out on Facebook have probably been following this story, but I thought I ought to tell it here, too, so bear with me:

Yesterday morning when I got up I was at what I consider a totally unacceptable weight -- three pounds over panic weight. YIKES! I hadn't seriously carbed-out on Sunday, but I'd had a fair quantity of food that wasn't your basic eggs-and-meat: Cheese and avocado in my omelet, peanuts for a snack, and turnips and cabbage with supper, plus a couple of glasses of dry red wine. That plus a higher-than-usual salt intake seemed the likely culprits. Whatever had caused it, immediate action was called for.

As I've mentioned before, we have chickens, and right now we are inundated, nay, deluged with eggs -- if, as of yesterday, we had fewer than 12 dozen eggs in the house, I'd be surprised. So I decided I'd try an egg fast -- nothing but eggs for the day, plus my usual nutritional supplements.

I wound up eating 4 eggs for each of three meals, for a dozen eggs total for the day. Eight of them I ate boiled, and four I ate scrambled in about 1/2 teaspoon of bacon grease. Other than my usual gelatin powder, that was the sum total of my food yesterday.

So what was the result? Well, quite honestly, I'm not sure. I was hoping to drop a couple of pounds. But when I got on the scale this morning, it told me I was down 13.5 pounds!

I stepped off the scale, that Scooby-Doo "Huh?!" sound playing in my head. Couldn't be right! So I stepped back on. This time, it told me I was down 14.5 pounds. Tried it again, and it was at 12 pounds down, and one more time gave me 15 pounds down. That scale was confused, but it was quite certain I'd lost more than 10 pounds in one day.

There's no way it can be right. Several people suggested my scale's battery was going, resulting in wonky weights. I do know that yesterday morning, that horrible high weight was repeated the second time I got on the scale, but still, who knows? Anyway, I've replaced the battery.

I've also done another day of egg-fasting. As I write this, I've had eight eggs today, and my morning gelatin powder, and quite a lot of unsweetened tea. That's it. I'll have four more eggs sometime before eight pm, and my nutritional supplements, and that'll be it for the day.

Tomorrow morning, I will weigh myself on my newly-re-energized scale, and see what it has to say. If I'm down just a few pounds from Monday morning's weight, I'll be a happy girl. If I really am down 15 pounds? I'm calling the National Enquirer.

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