Meatless Mondays in Cinci?

I recently made a snarky comment about a vegetarian, and was taken to task for it by a vegetarian low carber. It is true that there are many vegetarians out there who have simply made a dietary choice for themselves, and do not take aim at the eating habits of others, not even those of us low carbers who weight our diets heavily in favor of meat.

But I live in a lefty, trendy state university town, where it is widely assumed that anyone who gives a damn about their health, or the planet, or both, is a vegetarian. At group events, it is often assumed that "vegetarian friendly" or even vegan food must be supplied, without any corresponding responsibility to provide low carb food for those of us who do not eat grains and beans. It is not unknown for fund-raising events to serve vegetarian food, on the assumption that everyone can eat it, "It will do those meat-eaters good to skip a day," is the common cry.

It starts to irritate me, you know? So I was tweaked to see this article yesterday. Yes, the Cincinnati city council is actually going to vote on whether to force all restaurants to offer vegetarian dishes on Mondays. We have a nation deep in debt, crumbling infrastructure, a shrinking middle class, and a more polarized populace than we have since the freakin' Civil War, for crying out loud, and they're wasting even one minute on this?

Since when is it any of their damned business? If you don't like what a restaurant serves, go elsewhere. If you're a vegetarian, don't go to a steak house. If you're a carnivore, stay out of vegetarian restaurants. (You'll notice that the woman who started pushing this runs a vegan restaurant. Insert your own joke here.)

Turns out that Meatless Monday is a national organization. And, you know, I don't care if they want to cheerlead for this, so long as they get out of my face when I say, "No, thanks." But when they start trying to push through legislation, they've gone way too damned far, and need to be slapped down. Would they like it if I tried to introduce "Steak Saturdays?" How about if I tried to make a law forcing vegetarian restaurants to serve meat on Saturdays?

I don't live in Cincinnati, so even if this passes it will have no immediate effect on me. But the Bloomington IN City Council, which, for the most part, I'm okay with, has an unfortunate history of making resolutions about stuff that is none of their municipal concern, to show that their hearts are in the right place, don't you know. I could see them eventually resolving that the City of Bloomington is in favor of Meatless Mondays, or some nonsense like that. At which point my voting habits will change.

In short, gang, this sort of thing is the reason why I get snarky about vegetarians.

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