Hot Rum Toddy: Correcting a Recipe Error

In at least some editions of 500 Low Carb Recipes, the recipe for Kay's Hot Rum Toddy is missing a crucial ingredient: The butter. The recipe should read:

Kay’s Hot Rum Toddy
A delicious winter libation – for adults only!
2 1/4 cups Splenda
1/2 pound salted butter
2 teaspoons blackstrap molasses
1 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 teaspoon ground cloves
1 teaspoon ground cardamom
750 milliliters top-quality dark rum

Put everything but the rum in a food processor with the S-blade in place, and process until it’s smooth and creamy, scraping down the sides of the processor once or twice to make sure everything combines evenly. Scoop this “batter” mixture into a snap-top container, and keep it in the fridge. The batter will keep well, and let you make only a serving or two at a time, if you like.

To serve the toddy, warm a coffee mug by filling it with boiling water and pouring it out. Then fill it again, halfway, with more boiling water. Add a tablespoon to two tablespoons of the batter, and stir until it dissolves into the water – a small whisk works well for this. Now add two shots of dark rum, stir, and sip. This makes about 12 servings. Each 2 tablespoons of batter will have 5 grams of carbohydrate, with a trace of fiber and protein. The rum is carb-free, but will slow down your metabolism – so go easy!

Kay adds: One theory of hot-toddy making is that it is impossible to use too much batter and you should keep stirring more in until you are bored with stirring. Another theory of hot toddy making is that it is impossible to use too much rum, and that you should keep stirring in more until your friends panic. Use your best judgment.

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