Giving Blood

Got this email today:

Love your podcast. It's exactly what I need to get through the challenges that come from adopting a low carb lifestyle. I just downloaded your 1000 recipe book on Kindle and it's a lifesaver. Every mealtime is an exciting experience as I try new recipes and work on my cooking skills.

I am donating blood next week and I used to use such occasions to load up on cookies and juice before and after the donation. After all, the treats are free and you're encouraged to take part to keep from passing out. On my new low carb lifestyle, how can I prepare to make a blood donation without consuming sugary foods and beverages? I don't want to succumb to low blood sugar and pass out in a cold sweat, but I also don't want to derail my new way of eating. Any advice is greatly appreciated.


Ooo, a question I've never gotten before!

I don't donate blood; they won't take mine because I had hepatitis B twenty five or so years ago. But TNBIM gives blood (he's AB-, the rarest blood there is, so they really like him!), and he generally takes along a "Milk Chug" and has that as his post-vampire snack. The lactose elevates blood sugar gently, without causing a big ol' spike-and-crash.

And just sitting there for ten minutes should help, you know? I'm not entirely clear on the whole "jack up your blood sugar" thing, since it's not like giving blood reduces your blood glucose concentration, only your blood volume. Just give your body a few minutes to get used to it.

And good on you for giving blood. I would if they'd take mine.


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