admin's blog

Spammers, give it up!

Just a little reminder that we moderate all comments on this website. Spam of any kind will never see the light of day here.

Update Complete!

Whew! Those who visited in the past 45 minutes will have noticed some work going on here. I have completed the upgrade of the software that runs this website, and applied an all-new theme (look and feel). I think it has a charming "retro" thing going, but the Boss might want to make some changes, so be aware that this may happen. We still have all the same content -- stories, blog diaries and such. If you have any trouble accessing your account or posting comments, please email me (webmaster-at-holdthetoast-dot-com), and I will look into it. (It will help me to identify lingering post-upgrade problems.)

Ahoy from Dana

Hi All,

Dana's on the road back from NYC. The wifi connection in her room last night wasn't happening, so she wanted me to tell you she'll try to check in tomorrow morning, or when she gets home tomorrow night. She sends her best to all of you!



Testing only.

Through with the Hard Part!

Just a quick note to let you all know that Dana came through the surgery with no troubles, and is here in her hospital room watching What Not To Wear. I'd say we're well on our way back to normal! ;-) The doctor and nurses are agreed that she is doing remarkably well already. But damn, was this thing big! Makes it all the better to have it gone!

Anyway, she sends her greetings to all, and should be back online in a couple days.

--Good Old Whats-His-Face (that Nice Boy she Married)

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