Dana's blog

A Holiday For Us!

Y'all know that Mardi Gras is coming, right?

Whole Foods

Jimmy Moore wrote to me:

I don't know if you're aware of this yet or not, but the health food retailer Whole Foods Markets has launched a nationwide "Health Starts Here" marketing scheme that endorses a low-fat, vegetarian diet, with promises that the diet will "improve health easily and naturally."

The plan promotes the books and private business ventures of Joel Fuhrman, MD, and Rip Esselstyn, both of whom worked with Whole Foods to formulate the new guidelines. Customers now receive a pamphlet urging them to adopt a low-fat, plant-based diet and to cut back or completely eliminate animal foods. Many Whole Foods stores no longer sell books advocating consumption of meat, eggs and dairy products and have shelftalkers and banners throughout the store pushing a high-grain, low-fat diet while eschewing meat and animal-based foods.

I'm working on a column about this and would love a quote from you ASAP. Thoughts to ponder:

- Is this a smart move by Whole Foods or will it backfire on them?
- Do you think Whole Foods CEO John Mackey is fully informed about the health benefits of fat?
- What should the response of people supporting high-fat, low-carb diets be?
- What alternative places for healthy foods should people consider instead of Whole Foods?
- What do you think the ramifications on the health of the Whole Foods consumer base will be?

Here's my response:

Valentine's Day Is Around The Corner!

It's February 9th, just five days till yet another holiday America has managed to make all about the sugar. Sheesh.

I've been writing about Valentine's Day for ten years now, and really, I don't have a lot that's new to say, so if all of this sounds somewhat familiar, thanks for being a long-time reader.

What's In the Crockpot (tm)

It's a cold, sloppy day here in Southern Indiana; it can't quite decide whether to rain, sleet, or snow, so it alternates between the three. Yuck. The sort of day that makes me wonder why the heck I live in the Midwest.

Super Bowl Article Redux

I revised and updated last year's Super Bowl article for Carb Smart. Take a look!

Low Carb and Blood Pressure

It's all over the news the last few days: A new study in Archives of Internal Medicine showing that a low carbohydrate diet beats a low fat diet for lowering blood pressure. This was not a big study -- just 146 subjects -- but it did look at the effects of both diets over 48 weeks time, almost a year, which is a reasonably ample time frame. Too, the study involved subjects who were not only obese -- an average BMI of 39 -- but who also had obesity-related health problems such as diabetes, elevated cholesterol and triglycerides, and, yes, hypertension.

How Many Carbs Should I Eat?

In the Resolutions and Goals thread, georgiapeach asks:

How many carbs per day should I be aiming for? I am reading a lot of low carb material and my head is spinning. Please help.

Time For Another Street

I ran across this poem on another website recently, and I thought it very wise. Wanted to share. I hope I'm not messing with Ms. Nelson's copyright -- I do know that this piece is found all over the internet. But Ms. Nelson? If you want me to take this down, let me know and I'll comply immediately.

Autobiography in Five Short Chapters
Portia Nelson

Chapter 1
I walk down the street.
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I fall in.
I am lost… I am helpless.
It isn’t my fault.
It takes forever to find a way out.

Chapter 2
I walk down the street.

Meet Dr. Jim

Dr. Jim is James Carlson, MD. I met him last winter on Jimmy Moore's Low Carb Cruise; he had the cabin right next to ours. Along with being a nice guy and a lot of fun, he's that rarest and most valuable of people, an MD with an understanding of low carbohydrate nutrition. He spoke at length about using a low carbohydrate diet in his practice.

Rescuing the Chuck Roast

Rummaging through one of my freezers the other day, I ran across a 2 1/2 pound chuck roast that had clearly been in there a tad too long. Add to that the fact that I'd bought it at a super-cheap grocery store, not known for its excellent meat, and I'd bought it marked down because it was close to expiration date. In short, this was not a gourmet piece of meat.

However, it was a good-sized hunk of animal protein, and I was loathe to throw it out, or even to feed it to the chickens. (Chickens will eat anything.) I was determined to make it into at least a passable supper.

Dopey Monster Movie Revelation...

That Nice Boy I Married and I spent New Years Eve watching the third episode of Mad Men, which we're just getting into. (It's pretty much the story of my father's life; he was a Madison Avenue ad exec in the 1960s and '70s. No spoilers, please!) When that was over, and it was still hours till midnight, we popped in a VHS I'd picked up at the Goodwill, a cheesy old monster movie called "Gorgo."

Resolutions and Goals

Happy New Year, Gang! Time for Resolutions and Goals! Don't snicker; I actually kept one of my resolutions from last New Year -- I developed the Daytimer habit, and have become a better organized human being as a result. (I have a PDA, but frankly find a paper and pencil easier.) I am slimmer and in better shape than I was a year ago, too, and intend to continue in that direction.

One of my goals for this year is to pick up a dropped project for a diabetic cookbook/website. It's time.


Under the blog entry "My Vitamin Intake For The Day" I got this question from a poster with the great screen name "nopancakesplease": What is a MasterCook and where can I get one?

MasterCook is the recipe program I've been using for the better part of a decade, and I quite frankly couldn't have written all those books without it. Well, I could have, but I wouldn't have had the faintest idea what the carb, protein, fiber, and calorie counts were.

Christmas Presents!

Or, I suppose, embarrassingly late Hanukkah presents. Or Yule gifts, or Kwanzaa or Festivus, or any other darn thing you'd care to celebrate. December birthdays. What-the-heck, I-like-you, so-here's-a-present Day.

* In the interests of shameless self-promotion, I must recommend that you give any and all low carbers on your list a fine low carb cookbook. Like, say, any of these.

Holiday Party Guide Up at Carb Smart

My Holiday Party Guide is up at CarbSmart. Take a look!

Just so you know, I've also sent them an alcoholic beverages guide to post, and just yesterday a CarbSmart Exclusive Christmas cookie recipe. So watch that space!

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